Drawn Paintings
Painted Drawings
Love Poems
Painted Pillow Talk
Retinal Prayers
Counted Breaths
Ascetic Ab-Ex
Delicate Clear Cuts
Existential Keepsakes
Test Patterns for Auras
Wordless Haiku
Shape Affections
Efficient Meanderings
Approachable Explosions
Accidental Intentional Digressions
Lessons in Fluid Dynamics
Handheld Vitruvian Huts
Portable Tantric Murals
Bright Glimpses,
Evening Shadows
Somatic Recordings
Awkward Swoonings
Bundled Tree Roots
Spiritual Pacemakers
Flat Vessels
Sheet Music for an Epiphanies
Evan Fugazzi lives and works in Amsterdam. He makes paintings, drawings, and books...among other things.
Email him at evan(at)evanfugazzi.com or message him through Instagram at evan_fugazzi.
Galleri Torekov, Torekov, SWE (upcoming)
In Color, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
River Puddle Ocean Rains, Southeastern Louisiana University Contemporary Art Gallery, Hammond, LA
In Situ, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Painting II, Galerie Hertz, Louisville, KY (with Brent Dedas)
Evan Fugazzi: Recent Works, Fountain at the Four Seasons, Philadelphia, PA
Adjust Accordingly, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Sidestep the Rational, 701 Center for Contemporary Art, Columbia, SC
Evan Fugazzi, Galerie Hertz, Louisville, KY
New Acquisitions, Ballinglen Art Museum, Ballycastle, Ireland
Woodmere 78th Annual Juried Exhibition, Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA (Eileen Neff, juror)
Modern and Contemporary Landscape, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Museum, Philadelphia
Real, Not Real, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA
New Radicals, Cerulean Gallery, Philadelphia, PA (Aubrey Levinthal, curator)
Spectrum Gallery at Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, TN
no matter how small, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Bowery Gallery National Competition, The Bowery Gallery, New York, NY (Kyle Staver, juror)
Summer Exhibition, Galerie Hertz, Louisville, KY
Tribute, Ann Tower Gallery, Lexington, KY
Art in Balance, Susquehanna Art Museum, Harrisburg, PA
Solid and Real Things, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
—revel—, Kunstraum, Brooklyn, NY Primarily Painting, Galerie Hertz, Louisville, KY
Look Both Ways, Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Nurturing your Nature, Artspace 1021, Philadelphia, PA
The More the Merrier, Cerulean Gallery, Philadelphia PA
Material/Method: Contemporary Practices in Painting, The Gallery of Northern Virginia Community College, Woodbridge, VA (catalogue)
Before, Again, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA
5 to Watch, Avery Galleries, Bryn Mawr, PA
Of And About Painting, Galerie Hertz, Louisville, KY
Sampler: Small Works by 30 Artists, Cerulean Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
University of South Carolina Faculty Show, Tapp’s Arts Center, Columbia, SC
New Moderns, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Generations, Acorn Club Exhibition coordinated by the Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Painting in the Periphery, Sykes Gallery, Millersville University, Millersville, PA and Pierre S. du Pont Arts Center Gallery, Wilmington, DE
Woodmere 71stAnnual Juried Exhibition, Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA (Alex Kanevsky, juror) (catalog)
Group Exhibition, Artists’ House Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Thesis Exhibition, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Contemporary Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Group Exhibition, Artists’ House Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Drawn From PAFA, The Barbara Crawford Gallery, Chestnut Hill Academy, Philadelphia, PA
Narcissus in the Studio: Artist Portraits & Self-portraits, Fisher Brooks Gallery, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Museum, Philadelphia, PA
MFA, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA) in Studio Art; Philadelphia
Certificate, Painting, The Florence Academy of Art; Gothenburg, Sweden
Certificate, Drawing, The Florence Academy of Art; Florence, Italy
BArch, University of Notre Dame; Notre Dame, IN
Ballinglen Museum of Art, Ballycastle, Ireland
Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Inhabit Southwick hotel, London, England
Queens Garden Hotel, London, England
Churchill Downs, Louisville, KY
Tiffany & Co., Amsterdam, Netherlands
PMC Property Group, Philadelphia, PA
Frazier Rehab Institute, Louisville, KY
Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Fellow, Ballycastle, Ireland
Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT
Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Fellow, Ballycastle, Ireland
701 Center for Contemporary Art Artist-in-Residence Program, Columbia, SC
Odd Nerdrum Residency, Stavern, Norway
Ballinglen Fellowship
Ballinglen Arts Foundation Fellowship
May 11 – June 1, 2023
Ballycastle, Co. Mayo, Ireland
Vermont Studio Center Residency
December 2019 session.
Johnson, VT
River Puddle Ocean Rains
Solo exhibition
Southeastern Louisiana University
June 10 – August 30, 2019
Hammond, LA
Ballinglen Fellowship
Ballinglen Arts Foundation Fellowship
November 14, 2018 – January 4, 2019
Ballycastle, Co. Mayo, Ireland
“In Color” exhibition review by Stan Mir